Major Theoretical Essay: "Hot and Cool in the Media(S)cene" won the 2019 John Culkin Award for Outstanding Praxis in the Field of Media Ecology.
• Awarded by the Media Ecology Association at their 2019 Annual Convention.
• The essay inspired the art installation for the 2019 Media Ecology Annual Convention, hosted at the University of Toronto.
"Hot Planet, Cool Media." Triptych, mixed media with acrylic and pumice. 6’ x 10’Developed By: Julia M. Hildebrand and Barry Vacker
Location: 2019 Media Ecology Association Annual Convention, at the University of Toronto.
Page in the 2019 Media Ecology Association Convention program.
For more on the artworks:
"Art for the Human Event: The Anthropocene and Media(s)cene"
"Rope Over Abyss (Nietzsche's Telescope)"
Select works presented below:
"Rope Over Abyss (Nietzsche's Telescope." Five panels, mixed media and acrylic with pumice, 6' x 18'
"Space Station Anthropocene (L.A. at Night)." Triptych, mixed media with acrylic and pumice. 6’ x 10’
"Hot Media." Print on stretched canvas, 4' x 5'
"Cool Media." Print on stretched canvas, 4' x
"The Medium is the Message." Two printed panels, 3' x 10'